Professor Göran Roos on the present state of the Economy and future outlook – 4 Nov 2021

Summary and Recording of the Event

With COVID 18 months and counting… Where are we? What is the economic impact on business, trade and investment? Where to from here? 

Once again we were pleased to welcome keynote speaker Professor Göran Roos who gave us an insight into the current state of the world economy and future outlook. The session was moderated by Jonas Lindholm.


“We are going to see economic growth but it will be hampered in the short term by supply chain problems (for example semiconductors) and in the medium term by a lack of raw materials and a lack of labour with the right competence”.

In a growing economic system, not only must energy be used to achieve growth, but energy must also be used to maintain the accumulated results of previous growth.

“The biggest transition is the transition to green. That is a fundamental necessity. There is a disconnect between on the one hand what we know scientifically and what we know business wise in terms of what this will take and what the challenges are and on the other hand what is visible in the public and political debate and decisions”.

“We are migrating from a dependency on petroleum to a dependency on metals. This is of course very good for Australia, but it also has some geopolitical consequences and in addition, we have insufficient supply of some of these metals”.

“It is impossible for example to transform all internal combustion engine vehicle production to the production of electric vehicles, using present technology, purely from a raw material standpoint.”

Professor Göran Roos


About the speakers

Professor Göran Roos is a specialist in the field of intellectual capital and an expert in innovation management and strategy. He is an advisor to organisations and governments around the globe and holds visiting professorships in the Australia, UK and Norway.Göran is a CSIRO Affiliate and also a fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Göran is a specialist in the field of intellectual capital and an expert in innovation management and strategy. He is an advisor to organisations and governments around the globe and holds visiting professorships in the Australia, UK and Norway. Göran is a CSIRO Affiliate and also a fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).


Jonas Lindholm is a serial entrepreneur with a big international network, a former Swedish Trade Commissioner and board member of SACC, who has supported +400 Swedish companies to establish & grow their business in Australia. Moved to Australia when employed by the Swedish government to work for the Trade commission in 2007 and was the Swedish Trade Commissioner to Australia & Oceania for over 4 years before starting KingHill in 2015. KingHill’s objective is to foster more international collaboration and trade by supporting companies with market evaluations, facilitating the right contacts locally (both private & governmental) and fast track their full sales process.


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